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Invalid Date of Birth format. Please enter valid date with MM-DD-YYYY format.
Sorry date of birth does not seems to be less than 18 years.
By creating an account you are giving us consent to display profile information about athletes under your account which includes athletes under the age of 18. Athlete's personal information may be collected to show their eligibility for certain events. If you would like to hide your athlete's profile page you can do so anytime in your dashboard.
By creating an account you are giving us consent to display your profile information. Athlete's personal information may be needed to show their eligibility for certain events. If you would like to hide your profile page you can do so anytime in your dashboard.
By creating an account you are giving us consent to display your personal information as a minor. After you login you will have the ability to hide your profile page from public display.
You can create an account but you are not allowed to give consent for your personal information to be shared or displayed. After you create an account you must have a parent or legal guardian give consent to activate and edit your profile.
Sorry you are not old enough to have an account. Your parent or legal guardian must create an account.
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